Thursday, December 10, 2009

Fun Times <--Sarcasm

My car hates me, it's official. I woke up early this morning to go to class so i could work on a paper due next week instead of sleeping in. I noticed that my car had a thin layer of frost on the windshield, something i thought my defrost button could handle. I unlock my car door, pull the handle and nothing. I figured it was just hard to open due to the cold. So i pull really hard and hear a little click. Uh-oh. The slight resistance that my door handle had when i pulled it was gone. Now, not only did my door not open, my handle didn't even work. So i had to go around to the passenger side, unlock that door and crawl over into the drivers seat to start my car. All the while i have these 3 inch cloggy boots on, so my depth perception is off. I kick my shifter and hit the wrong peddles while trying to start the car. I can barely turn the keys because my fingers are numb from the freezing cold temperature. When I finally get it started, I open my driver side door (it opens on the inside) and let my car run to try to defrost my windshield. I go inside to grab my cellphone before leaving....but it's not on the charge. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Not on my bed, not in my purse, not in my jean pockets i was wearing the day before, nor my coat. Not in the livingroom, kitchen or great room. Arg. I look in my car and my mom's car, no luck. I can't call it because it is on vibrate. Figures. I FINALLY find it in a tiny crevis in my mom's car , where i over looked almost dead. The cellphone search took a total of 10 minutes. I yell at the front door "Love you all, by" and shut the door. I walk out to the car as carefully as i can in my cloggy boots and pull my door handle out of habit, oh yeah it's broken. I go around, crawl over my seat, hit the shifter, stomp down on the gas on accident and finally get situated. I looke up and realized that my window is still frozen over, my defrost blowing full blast. I turn on my wipers, thinking it will just wipe away. Nope, it doesn't budge. I grab my purse, shut off the car, open and slam my half broken door and stomp inside. I was grateful for my cloggy boots cuz the noise they made added a nice effect to my dramatic exit. I go inside and unpack my laptop to work on my paper. So much for trying to be a good college student, lol. Until next time, arrivederchi!

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