Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Being Approached By Men

I don't know what it is about a woman that causes a man to approach her. Is it her looks? Her smile or grace? Maybe the way she holds herself when she walks or how she does or doesn't look at you. This is something that intriques me because in less than a week I have been approached by 2 different guys. I was in my Theatre class the other day and this boy, Andrew, was talking more than usual. About 3/4 of the way through the semester, Andrew walked over and asked to sit by me. He never really talked to me the rest of the semester, but i didn't think anything of it. I wasn't interested. So, on our last day of class (not counting the day of our final), Andrew had been talking to me more than usual. We had been dismissed and people were gathering their stuff and leaving. I got up to gather my books when Andrew looked up at me and said "So, do you want my number?" I wasn't sure what to say, i just stared for a few seconds. It made a little more sense to me why he hadn't left class yet. Finally, i replied with a meek "sure". I sort of found a way out of that situation turning into anything romantic. So today i get to school, waiting for finals when a guy walks by me very slowly. I look up at him and he's staring at me. I recognized him, i had walked by him a few minutes earlier and he said hello to me. He smiled at me and asked "Is your name Paige?" I could tell he really didn't think my name was Paige, it was totally a pick up line. So what is it that makes a person approachable? And how do you make yourself approachable to the type of guy you're looking for? Until next time, arriveaderchi

Monday, December 14, 2009


Ben, Brad, Brad and Ben

Benjamin is coming to visit tonight! I'm so excited, he was here for Thanksgiving, but that feels like ages ago. We had a barbeque to celebrate his Birthday and Sue (my best friend) went to DQ and bought an icecream cake. It was yummy. I don't remember what we got him, but i'm sure he liked it either way. Benjamin is super smart, some sort of rocket scientist guy. He loves airplanes and went to school to be an Aeronautical Engineer. I probably butchered the spelling on that lol. He's the youngest of the 2 boys my Aunt Robyn had. He's probably 6'4 and engaged to a girl he met in college. I don't remember her name, so i just call her Barbie. I've only met her once. Since i talked about Ben, now i need to talk about Bradley, his older brother. Bread has red hair, about 6'3 and loves changing his facial hair designs. Every time i see a picture of him he either has fluffy sideburns, a go-T or some other rockin' design. He use to really be into Japanese stuff, i think he may have even learned some symbols and part of the language. He plays drums, and when i say he plays i mean he PLAYS. He is great, he is even in a band called 'Nature Vs'. I'm a fan of it on my facebook. I've never heard them play, but if he's on the drum set, they've got an awesome beat. I haven't seen him for a few years, but that's ok. I'm sure we'll see each other soon enough. Last i heard he has a girlfriend, but i have no clue what she's like. Benjamin is staying for 5 days! Well, we will have loads of fun and i can't wait. Until next time, arrivederchi

Almost There

Tomorrow is the big day for Finals. Don't ask me why i'm on here blogging instead of studying. The truth is, i am trying not to think about my Composition II class, i have to give a presentation over my Research Paper and it makes my stomach do a flip when i think about it. I can handle writing the Research Paper, i can handle the grade my teacher gives me along with her constructive criticism, but i can't stand being in front of everyone watching me talk about my paper, especially when i'm doubting my paper. I don't feel 100% that i did it right, that the body of my paper supports my topic. Maybe i could just change the title from "There's No Rules To Writing" to just "Are There Rules To Writing". I made my powerpoint and i have my little flashcards and i'm even thinking about doing an activity that gets the class involved but i just don't know.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Fun Times <--Sarcasm

My car hates me, it's official. I woke up early this morning to go to class so i could work on a paper due next week instead of sleeping in. I noticed that my car had a thin layer of frost on the windshield, something i thought my defrost button could handle. I unlock my car door, pull the handle and nothing. I figured it was just hard to open due to the cold. So i pull really hard and hear a little click. Uh-oh. The slight resistance that my door handle had when i pulled it was gone. Now, not only did my door not open, my handle didn't even work. So i had to go around to the passenger side, unlock that door and crawl over into the drivers seat to start my car. All the while i have these 3 inch cloggy boots on, so my depth perception is off. I kick my shifter and hit the wrong peddles while trying to start the car. I can barely turn the keys because my fingers are numb from the freezing cold temperature. When I finally get it started, I open my driver side door (it opens on the inside) and let my car run to try to defrost my windshield. I go inside to grab my cellphone before leaving....but it's not on the charge. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Not on my bed, not in my purse, not in my jean pockets i was wearing the day before, nor my coat. Not in the livingroom, kitchen or great room. Arg. I look in my car and my mom's car, no luck. I can't call it because it is on vibrate. Figures. I FINALLY find it in a tiny crevis in my mom's car , where i over looked almost dead. The cellphone search took a total of 10 minutes. I yell at the front door "Love you all, by" and shut the door. I walk out to the car as carefully as i can in my cloggy boots and pull my door handle out of habit, oh yeah it's broken. I go around, crawl over my seat, hit the shifter, stomp down on the gas on accident and finally get situated. I looke up and realized that my window is still frozen over, my defrost blowing full blast. I turn on my wipers, thinking it will just wipe away. Nope, it doesn't budge. I grab my purse, shut off the car, open and slam my half broken door and stomp inside. I was grateful for my cloggy boots cuz the noise they made added a nice effect to my dramatic exit. I go inside and unpack my laptop to work on my paper. So much for trying to be a good college student, lol. Until next time, arrivederchi!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Wow, I can't believe my second semester in college is almost over. It feels like it has flown by so quickly. My favorite class academically was probably Composition ll because my teacher was so interesting and we got to do a lot of fun activities. My favorite class socially would have to be my computer class. The girl who sits on my right is so friendly (maybe i should try to remember her name)and easy to talk to. Blake who sits on my left is such a nerd, but so much fun. I will miss him walking by me to get to his seat and patting my head, poking me in the cheek and ribs and getting my attention during class just to show me his progression in a useless block-balancing game. I must admit, he's a good looking kid, too bad he's still jail bait, lol (he's 17) and in highschool. He wants to be an architect. I'm not a stalker, i swear, i learned all this from a powerpoint presentaion he gave yesterday about himself. I kind of hope he never reads this cuz i will die of embaressment. I like the challenge of my math class (math 110) but it will only be through the grace of God that i pass. I saved my least favorite class for last because i like to complain about it. Theatre 101, how i loath thee. Let us count the many reasons why....
1) It's a lecture class, booooring
2) My instructors defense for why we should take this class "so you can hold your own in a conversation about theatre at your next cocktail party" LAAAAAAME! Because i got to sooo many cocktail parties as it is. pfffffffffffffff!!!!
3) Theatre is acting, acting is being someone you're not. Why would anyone want to choose a career as being a fake?
4) I wouldn't have even taken this class if American Sign Language had spots open
Alrighty then, now that you know why i despise theatre, we can move on. I am happy for Christmas break. Note i said "Christmas" not "Holiday". It's called Christmas for a reason. Until next time, arrivaderchi

Monday, December 7, 2009