Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Bright Idea

Motivation. It seems to be the kicker, right? You either can't find motivation and your drive goes kapoot or you get so motivated that the excitement tires you out and again, you are kapoot. So what's the secret? What's the 411 on how to stay motivated? I was looking that very thing up just this morning and I found a lot of self-help how-to ideas. Most of them I had already heard of, but one of them wasn't such a bad was to blog (go figure). Well, now that I have ranted and raved about motivation, you're probably wondering what it is I'm trying to get motivated for. One simple word that has put me in this spot and yet most of you will crinkle your nose when you see it. Running. That's it, that's what this is all about. Motivation for running. Oh, come on now, uncrinkle your nose! It's not as bad as it sounds, so why am I having difficulties getting motivated you say? That's a great question!! I love running when I'm out doing it, I envy the people I see running when I'm driving down the road and I like the reaction I get when I get to tell people I run 3-4 miles every other day. But why-oh-why is it so stinkin' hard for me to actually get out there and do it? What is it that will keep me motivated? Maybe it's one of those things that you have to find out for yourself. Ok, now i'm the one with a crinkled nose! That's why I decided to create the blog "Jog Hog" in hopes that it will motivate me to run since I have to write about my progress. Muahaha, I feel like an mad scientist with a plan to capture the unexpecting victim, except that victim is me :) Check out my new blog The Jog Hog to follow my progress. Until next time.....